MCC's February meeting will feature guest speaker CM Bob Kettle (District 7). In addition to the 2025 Comp Plan, CM Kettle will address additional topics that are important to our Magnolia community including, Transportation, Safety and Emergency Planning, Parks (Smith Cover and the Discovery Park Visitors Center Programming) Education the Port and Magnolia Bridge.
If you missed the meeting, watch the recording here!
Be sure you are signed up for the MCC Newsletters to receive meeting updates and agenda details.
Donations for Our Community Organizations
Our meeting host, the Episcopal Church of the Ascension is collecting items from the list below for our community organizations. If you would like to donate please bring your items to our meeting.
Ballard Food Bank, Interbay Villages and Riverton Asylum Seekers would like peanut butter, soups, sugar, rice, diapers sizes 2 - 5 and baby wipes
QA Helpline, Interbay Villages, Riverton Asylum Seekers, and Operation Nightwatch would like coats, shoes, clothing, socks, bedding and towels