MCC News Updates

Get Involved

Are you looking for ways to be more active in our community? Check back frequently for opportunities to volunteer, share your voice and advocate for Magnolia!

  • CM Kettle’s Town Hall: Thursday, March 20th Seattle Central Library (Here is the map link to the Seattle Central Library), will be our second townhall! You can submit your questions and RSVP here.  

  • Magnolia Parks Volunteer Opportunities: Follow this link for upcoming volunteer opportunities to support our parks. through Green Seattle’s work parties. Use the filter function to search for Magnolia parks and upcoming opportunities.

Current Initiatives

The One Seattle Plan: Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan

Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for where and how our city will grow and invest in our communities over the next 20 years and beyond. Read the full draft plan and learn how to engage here.

MCC’s Action & Response

  • (3.13.25) MCC hosted City Council members Robert Kettle and Dan Strauss at the February MCC Meeting to review the status of the Mayor’s One Seattle Comprehensive Plan and answer questions from community members. The meeting was well attended and neighbors were able to bring forward their comments about the proposed zoning changes, preserving significant tree canopy, the importance of reinforcing the vitality of Magnolia Village, the need to ensure that infrastructure is available to support increased building, and the need to recognize the dilapidated state of the Magnolia Bridge when making zoning and transit decisions.

    Subsequent to last month’s MCC meeting CM Dan Strauss invited MCC representatives to participate in a walk around the North Magnolia Neighborhood Center and the Magnolia Village Neighborhood Center scheduled for March 14th. In addition Strauss’ staff are preparing a visualization of the proposed zoning changes in these centers and along 34th Ave W that will be shared with us.

    We’ve reached out to CM Kettle’s office for updates on the SE Magnolia L3 up zone Proposal and on his comments relative to a ‘mini village’ of activity along 20th Ave W adjacent to the Dravus Neighborhood Center.

  • After months of research and work with the Magnolia Community, MCC has finalized our letter of response that has been sent to the Office of Planning and Development. Read our letter here.

  • Read MCC’s June 2024 letter of response

MCC Monthly Meetings and Community Events

Your voice is important to our community! MCC meetings are open to all, please join us for for an upcoming meeting. Meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday, excluding July, August and December in person and on zoom.

Land Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.